Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Truth Project

Hello again! The mid-week Bible study called "New Community" is alive and well! The East Campus has been growing since last August and the West Campus started in January. Join us right now as we study the Book of Romans on Wed. 7 pm at West or Thursday 7 pm at East.
   I am very excited about our new series called "The Truth Project". This is a 12 week DVD series on Biblical Worldview by Focus on the Family and it is awesome!! This series exposes all the "lies of the world" that Satan uses to deceive many and to get believers off track in following Christ. Please join us for the kick-off right after Easter on April 7th at West and April 8th at East. Bring your Bible and a notebook! Be ready to participate in the informal discussion following the DVD.
   Remember, we are commanded to "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." Colossians 2:8    pastor Bill
Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Mid-Week Service

This is brand new and exciting! Starting Thursday AUGUST 27th HRCC will introduce a new service called NEW COMMUNITY. It will be from 7pm to 8pm and include worship,prayer, and discipleship training. This will include Ray and myself teaching deeper in the word to equip you to serve God more effectively. But hold on now! You will be participating too! You will be seated at a table with 5 other people who will discuss the opening segment with you. You get to ask questions! You get to share your thoughts! You will have to think and study the problem passage or issue in question! You will be challenged! You must be prepared to work! This is not for those who prefer "easy listening". Bring your Bible, pen, and a notebook and we will see you then!   pastor Bill
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Recent Message

Hello dear friends! I hope you are enjoying your summer and thanking God for every little bit of joy He brings our way. These are a few thoughts from my recent message called "Three Essentials of Discipleship". Part of following Jesus Christ means ABIDING in Him so that we will bear fruit for God. John 15:1-5 The sinful parts of our lives cannot bear fruit and require His discipline. If we respond by turning from our sin God will cleanse us and place us in fellowship with Christ ( The Vine ) so we can bear fruit. He will never throw us away! Never! But He will burn up the sinful parts of our life.

When we bear fruit He will PRUNE us. What is that? Pruning is not about sin at all! Pruning is about removing "GOOD" things so that we focus on the "BEST" things and bear MORE FRUIT!! For those who serving in various ministries this can mean that God will prune even service to Him when it means we are burning out and lack time to sit quietly at His feet and be refreshed in His presence. Pruning is not discipline but it might hurt us unless we understand God's motive and release Him to prune as much as He desires. Pruning is all about producing more fruit!

Another ESSENTIAL in following Jesus is RENEWING OUR MIND. Romans 12:2 Before we trusted Christ our mind was programmed by an Enemy to do sinful things. But Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to REPROGRAM us! Every time the Spirit shows us a scripture we must apply and we obey it we are RENEWING our mind. But God desires that we have fully RENEWED minds so we can understand His will in ALL things. We call this having a BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW. Only one out of five believers has a FULLY RENEWED MIND. This means that Jesus wants us to understand MORE than Who He is and what He has done for us. He will show us His thoughts on every area of life and society so we can impact our world for Him! This includes being "LIGHT" ( the Gospel ) and "SALT" ( preserving our society by moral influence). America is suffering because so few of us have renewed our minds. Our Founders had renewed minds. The principles they used to establish America came directly from God's Word! How many of us understand this? We have elected wicked and vile people to rule over us! PROVERBS 29:2 If we do not know what we stand for we will fall for any vain philosophy. Please RENEW your mind fully and take a stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS!! PROVERBS 14:34 pastor Bill
Friday, January 30, 2009

Small Groups

We have some new groups starting soon! This is great news! Please contact me at 704 245-3755 if you want to find a new group. Calling all men! The next Men's Breakfast is Feb. 7th from 8-9:30 a.m. Please come and enjoy good food and fellowship and a teaching on "The 7 Most Important Facts About Jesus' Second Coming".    pastor Bill
Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Prayer

My prayer for you is that you experience God's goodness, grace, and glory this season. I believe that these gifts are always available but sometimes we need to see them through eyes of faith. But how do we "see" them? We must grow spiritually to have spiritual sight. I Cor.2:10-14 Is there a "gift" you would like from your Father in heaven? Ask anything according to His will and He will grant it! Matt.7:7 By faith look under the tree (the Cross) and see if there isn't a gift with your name on it! Rev.3:10-12 Merry Christmas, pastor Bill
Friday, November 7, 2008

Basic Theology

This will be the last segment of this series. I would like to invite those interested to call me @ 704 245-3755 for help with Bible questions or interest in a new small group study called "Starting Point". Future Prophecy has so many differing views. How do we Know what is True? Dispensational Theology can be helpful since it is a comprehensive way of viewing the entire Bible. A dispensation is a distinct period of time in which God tests mans obedience. Man always Fails! Then God gives a new test with new promises. In their "innocent" state Adam and Eve failed so God promised a Redeemer and allowed mankind to be tested by "Human Conscience". But mankind did what was right in their own eyes. God saves Noah and then tested man through "Human Government". Next came a period of "Promise" to Abraham and then the "Law" of Moses. Now we are in the dispensation of "Grace". Salvation has always been by grace but now we have freedom in Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. The final period of testing before eternity begins is the "Kingdom" of Christ on earth for 1000 years. The distinctive of this theology are two-fold: 1. Consistent normal, literal, grammatical rule of interpretation. 2. Keeping the Church and Israel distinct in God's plan for each.